UNESCO Global Geoparks are single, unified geographical areas where sites and landscapes of international geological significance are managed with a holistic concept of protection, education and sustainable development.
However, UNESCO Global Geoparks exist only in seven out of the 48 Member States (MS) in the Asia and the Pacific region, with 70% located in China. This narrow distribution of UNESCO Global Geoparks reflects lack of awareness, knowledge, and capacity to engage with the programme. To address this, specific awareness raising followed by tailored training to National Commissions for UNESCO (NatComs) and national focal points for UNESCO Global Geoparks has been requested by several MS.
This project will help MS better understand the benefits of UNESCO Global Geoparks, further interest in establishing UNESCO Global Geoparks, and develop capacity to take the necessary action to establish new and/or improve existing UNESCO Global Geoparks.
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