Fostering UNESCO Water and Environment Networks in the Asia-Pacific Region

The purpose of this project is to ensure that the water and environment networks established under UNESCO’s International Hydrological Programme (IHP) and Man and the Biosphere (MAB) Programme by the Member States of the region are maintained and strengthened through appropriate co-ordination mechanisms.


  • The 10th Southeast Asia Biosphere Reserves Network (SeaBRnet) Meeting (16-17 May 2017)
  • 24th International Hydrological Programme – Regional Steering Committee Meeting (24-26 October 2016)
  • Fostering Collaboration Between UNESCO in the Field and Networks Toward the 2030 Agenda (21-24 July 2016)
  • IHP@50 – 23rd Meeting of the IHP Regional Steering Committee for Southeast Asia and the Pacific: Celebration of 50 years of IHP/IHD (19-20 October 2015)



The project aims at maintaining and strengthening the established networks of UNESCO’s Natural Sciences programmes in Asia and the Pacific region, as research, policy advice and capacity building platforms through which Member States can share their knowledge and experiences and thereby increase their capacity to better manage and develop their related activities. Based on UNESCO Jakarta’s coordination experience and the support of National Commissions, the project will focus on the organization of three strategic meetings of water and environment networks in the region.


This project responds to strategic programme objectives as articulated in the Medium‐Term Strategy 2014‐2021 and the draft Asia-Pacific Regional Bureau’s Science Support Strategy 2014-2021, titled: “Promoting the interface between science, policy and society for peace, sustainability and social inclusion”.

Overarching Objective:

Fostering the water and environment networks of UNESCO’s programmes in Asia and the Pacific region, as the platforms through which Member States and involved stakeholders can share their knowledge and experiences in order to increase their capacity for the sustainable management and development of their resources.


  1. Improving knowledge and skills of water specialists of the region.
  2. Maintaining the interoperability of water networks in the ASPAC region.
  3. Promoting innovative approaches for the sustainable development of communities in biosphere reserves.