In this fifth phase, the scope of the COMPETENCE project will focus on delivering e-learning ‘MasterClass’ programmes over UNESCO’s network of partner universities and institutions in the Asia Pacific – CONNECT-Asia (COllaboration for Network-eNabled Education, Culture, Technology and science’). These new courses will be developed in partnership with UNESCO’s intergovernmental science programmes, the International Hydrological Programme (IHP), Man and the Biosphere (MAB) Programme and the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO (IOC-UNESCO) as well as the Sustainability Science initiative. The institutional expertise of each of these will be leveraged to develop and deliver topical scientific e-learning events to universities, institutions and individual participants across the CONNECT-Asia Network. UNESCO will also explore opportunities to position these e-learning activities within existing course programmes in CONNECT-Asia partner universities and with UNESCO MOST (Management of Social Transformations).
- AI3/SOI-Asia Fall Meeting 2017 in conjunction with the Regional Workshop on Promoting Use of Local and Indigenous Knowledge Systems (LINKS) in ICTs to deliver SDG 17 in Timor-Leste (12-14 October 2017)
For the first to fourth phase of this project, please refer to COMprehensive Programme to Enhance Technology, Engineering and ScieNCE Education (COMPETENCE) in Asia: The Role and Contribution of Higher Education Institutions.
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